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Finnish people have a positive attitude toward vaccination



Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea carries out a consumer targeted Medicines Barometer survey study every second year. According to the Medicines Barometer 2021 publication Finnish people have a mainly positive attitude toward vaccines. Almost all (96 %) of the respondents though that vaccinations are a good way to protect against diseases. Most respondents (93 %) thought everyone should get vaccinated according to the national vaccination programme, and over half of the respondents (67 %) felt that negative attitudes toward vaccines are a major problem in Finland.

According to the study most Finns have enough information on the diseases prevented by vaccination as well as on vaccines, but one person in ten (13 %) feels they know too little about diseases prevented by vaccination, and one person in five (19 %) feels they know too little about vaccines. The majority of Finns are adequately vaccinated and they know what vaccines they should take. However one person in ten (12 %) told they are not adequately vaccinated or that they are uncertain of their vaccination status. Additionally one person in ten (9%) reported not knowing what vaccinations they should have.

Information about vaccines and the diseases prevented by vaccination is available in many sources, but some of the sources publish erroneous and misleading information. That is why it’s important to search for information in reliable sources, like the website published by the Pharmaceutical Information Centre.

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