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A digital vaccination card makes it easier to take care of one’s vaccinations


A new study shows that vaccination coverage could be strengthened with a digital vaccination card. 79 % of Finns believe that they would take better care of their vaccinations, if vaccination information was included in e.g. a digital vaccination card in the Omakanta service. Additionally over nine in ten people (91 %) would like to be reminded when it’s time to take a booster shot. 

Currently a fifth of Finns doesn’t know what vaccinations they should have taken, or what vaccinations are recommended. Less than a fifth (18 %) know where they can check their up-to-date vaccination information. The awareness has grown however, since in 2020 the figure was up to 35 %.

The survey was conducted by Taloustutkimus by commission from the Pharmaceutical Information Centre. The survey was carried out during 23.5.–1.6.2022, and 1002 Finns aged 15–79 were interviewed. The error margin of the whole sample is at maximum 3,2 percentage points per direction.